15 December Grooming Update

Grooming commenced this morning at 0700 at North Boulder Park and 0900 at CU South. The snow is relatively warm and the ground is also relatively warm. This makes grooming more difficult but at both locations groomers were able to groom for skate. At both sites, groomers did not place a machine-set classic track this morning.

With snow still falling, compression or trail surface firmness will be a product of skier traffic and repeated grooming. Sometime between late today and mid-day tomorrow, firmness will probably be normal-good.

The GPS system seems to have a glitch in it at the moment. This system is proven and widely used so the problem is something unusual that the BNC will continue to trouble-shoot. Thanks for bearing with us. The SkiTrails.info company is a breeze to work with as well so it’ll all work out.

Remember, this is an all volunteer operation so groomers do the best they can. Thanks to the land managers who permit grooming and skiing.

Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and enjoy the skiing!