Autumn Reminders

It’s Boulder so some people get antsy this time of year but the BNC does not groom, even if it were to snow, until October at North Boulder Park and until November at CU South.

Sometime, probably in late October, the BNC’s Annual General Meeting will take place. This is the time when directors (the board) are elected and those directors subsequently elect the officers of the BNC. This meeting maintains transparency in the BNC’s governance and assures that the BNC conforms to its legal and tax obligations. On one level, the meeting has become a bit of a formality, on another level, it’s a good time to meet the folks who steward the BNC and, if interested, learn about serving on the board.

The BNJRT/BNC Ski Swap will probably take place on Wednesday November 12 at the Boulder High School Cafeteria. The date cannot be fully confirmed until later. This is the time to buy and sell used nordic gear and benefit the BNJRT. More information will follow.

Join the BNC, donate, partner, or sponsor all right here on Every penny counts this season as the BNC is about to dip down into its treasury to station a second grooming rig at CU South. With all the accessories and housing, it will be around a cool $25,000 of expenses which is a big sum for the BNC.

Thanks for supporting the Boulder Nordic Club!