Change to Membership System

In the coming months the BNC is transitioning to an annual membership period, such as October to October, in order to ease the “when is my renewal due?” thought most of us have each fall as temperatures drop and snow approaches. Our goal is streamline and bring a repeatable consistency to the membership process for everyone. Benefits will not change! One can still register at any time; just the membership period will be on a set annual schedule.

Beginning soon, new and renewing memberships will be marked for expiration in October 2017 in order to help all of us fall into the new pattern of ski/trail pass-like membership, and to err in favor of folks who join between now and October 2016. Also of note, the BNC will phase out the big membership push at the Annual Swap in November in order to transition to the new online and seasonal start to annual memberships.

And as a reminder for when the snow begins to fade into spring, the benefits of BNC membership are year round. Your contribution toward membership opens that door to all the benefits from our partners, so don’t forget to check out all the perks your membership provides HERE. ( ) For somewhere between twenty-five and thirty years, the BNC has been an affordable way to bring together the local nordic community and to contribute toward the shared amenity of in-town skiing. We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to supporting and growing the community for many years to come!