There are a lot of ways to stay up to date regarding BNC grooming operations. There are the real-time GPS pages that can be linked to via or visited directly at and These pages indicate when groomers have been active at both sites.
One can follow the BNC on Twitter at @BNClub. Tweets regarding grooming tend go out announcing the beginning or end of grooming operations or some significant change in conditions. has grooming and conditions updates as well. These updates may be more detailed but less urgent in nature. Or, they may just confirm a status quo state in conditions.
And, starting this season, there’s the grooming report page on People often like complete, text form conditions reports. On the other hand, the BNC is an all volunteer operation and typing up a report is yet one more thing for a volunteer to do and may violate the BNC’s relatively strict prohibition against over achievement. “Better” is the enemy of “good enough” at the BNC.
Fingers crossed for snow!