The Board of Directors submitted the below letter to the Boulder Daily Camera on May 22nd. Predisposed to restraint in its political stances, this issue is of clear importance to the BNC and, thus, warranted a public statement. The skiing public has essentially been a guest on Toll property for decades, for that reason too, the BNC hopes to support the Toll family’s desire to conserve the “Tolland” parcel, especially given the specific language in the easement which allows for continued groomed nordic skiing.
The Boulder Nordic Club supports Boulder County’s decision to contribute funds towards placing a conservation easement on what is known as the “Tolland” property.
The easement allows for groomed nordic skiing to remain on the land where much of the cross-country ski trail system that is leased to and operated by Eldora Mountain Resort currently exists.
The valuable natural and human systems on the land do cross over arbitrary County boundaries but are best preserved as a whole.
The BNC appreciates when private landowners such as the Tolls voluntarily offer to restrict their property rights in order to contribute nearly 4000 acre to the common good. We support Boulder County in preserving this valuable natural and recreational area for [area] residents.
Board of Directors, Boulder Nordic Club, 501(c)(3)